Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Make A Book

Last week at a local kids event they had handmade books pre-made (really easy to create yourself with plain white folded paper and a stapler) for kids to color in and stick cut-outs on. The table was a bit crowded for us to do ours (plus I had Grant strapped to me in the Moby wrap) so we took it home to work on later. I wasn't sure what we'd do with it but then had the idea to ask Benjamin to tell me what he wanted in his book, then I drew the pictures and the names of what he told me, then he colored them in. Here's pics of what we created....

Benjamin is so proud of his book and showed it to his dad first thing when he came home (coincidentally, Daddy is his favorite thing in the book- oh, and yes I know Bart's right hand looks like a saw). I'm really loving how Benjamin is now taking interest in art (especially since I've sorted out his washable markers!) and think this book is going to be fun for him to look back on to see what words he was saying at 22 months. 

After doing this project, we're frequently doing other fun art projects (will be sure to show in future posts). It's reminding me of when I was young and would watch my mom draw and write in cool lettering. Guess the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree!

1 comment:

  1. How neat! And how great that he can name so many things!
