Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome Little One

Our little one is here and just as this Curly Girl Design card states~ 
our world now is that much better!

Our wish for a healthy second child has been granted and the timing of his arrival could not have gone any better. So well in fact, my mom's been saying it all went just how I planned it (even though we allowed him to come completely spontaneously!).

She says this because a couple of months ago she asked me when she should request time off from work so that she and my Dad could come and help out with the new baby. Since our first child arrived 8 days past his due date, we assumed this one would come past their due date too. So, I opened up my calendar, and randomly picked a few days past our given due date. She and my Dad used this date to also plan for a house/dog sitter and since I was in need of a break, planned to still come even if I didn't have the baby yet. But, whatdaya know- an hour before they left SLC (we only live 1 1/2 hrs. away), my contractions started! I was elated and so hopeful that this was the real thing as I'd been having Braxton-Hicks contractions for about 2 weeks prior. This was a bit frustrating and disappointing since this being my second pregnancy, one would think I would know when it was the real thing. My mom promised me that whenever it was really happening I would know, but those last few weeks of feeling contractions off and on, plus caring for a toddler were pretty killer. Some could say it was also because I was carrying around a 9 pound baby (to us he's itsy bitsy!), but I think pregnancy just throws in some weird mind trips during that last little bit. :O 

Thankfully, my husband really stepped up (even more than his usual family man self!)  by taking care of household things, grocery shopping, extra outings with Benjamin etc., and supported my idea to hire on a babysitter for Benjamin twice a week for the last 5 weeks. Sometimes it was just for a couple hours, sometimes it was for 3, but I can tell you that EVERY time was heaven sent. I used the time to go to my dr. appts., do some yoga, nap, surf the internet, and talk on the phone~ all in peace and quiet. I'm so glad I had that relaxing "me" time and gave myself permission to give in to the demands of being that pregnant.

My contractions began around 9:00 a.m. on the morning of his birth. At first they were about the same intensity as the ones I'd been feeling weeks before, then after an hour quickly switched up to being intense enough that I needed to lay down. I remember calling Bart around 10:00 a.m. telling him that I was almost 100% sure this was it. He said he'd run his assignment up to campus and be right home. I then called and made sure my parents were on their way. I was so glad this all was taking place in the morning (just like Benjamin) so that we could take on the events to come well-rested. Benjamin was so cute to me while I was on the couch having contractions by constantly offering me his water bottle and giving me encouraging pats on the back. At one point he also tried to get me to give him a piggy back that I had to decline by sternly telling him "Not now Benjamin!"

At 11:00 a.m. Bart walked in the door and I told him this was definitely it. He was happy, calm, and ready to take care of me and get everything out the door. I love it when Bart gets in his take-charge mode because he really is a great leader and works great under pressure. I too was pretty calm as I practiced my Hypnobirthing techniques and told him I'd be upstairs until my parents arrived. They came right at 11:30 right when I knew it was time for us to head to the hospital! We all joked about the perfect timing of everything and were all so hopeful for the new baby about to come into our lives.

After checking into the hospital around noon, we gave our usual requests for natural labor and offered out copies of our birth plan. Each one of the staff took one, but I'm pretty sure none of them bothered reading it because almost half of what we requested (all minor things) were still asked and/or handled differently. Regardless, things still went well....very well actually with a birth at 3:24 p.m.! I'd heard that second time mom's usually have much easier births, and boy was that the truth for us. I was trying to pace out our day like I did for Benjamin (he took 7 hrs. active labor), but after only 3 hours of active labor the nurse was asking if she could now get the dr.! Minutes after our dr. arrived it was push time, and just shortly after that we heard the joyous announcement that it was a...boy! I then had the pleasure of looking into our son's eyes...alert as ever and oh so handsome. What a fantastic feeling that is to meet your child for the first time. As my husband and I shared in this glorious moment together, I remember feeling so grateful for the experience of being able to bring life into this world. It is momentous, exhilarating, tiring, awesome, and wonderful all at once. 

As I continue to look into the eyes of our new baby boy, I'm overcome by his sweet serenity and after he smiled at me yesterday, convinced there is something truly magical about newborns. The wise look in their eyes, their newborn baby smell, soft as can be skin and hair, all such humbling gifts of perfection. Perhaps this quote says it best....

"People tell you how tired you'll be, but they don't tell you...
that you'll be able to survive without much sleep because the 
simple act of looking at your baby is stirring, gratifying, energizing."

- Carol Weston

My husband and I are also feeling great as we took full advantage of the 2-night hospital stay. With Benjamin we had heard to request an early check-out so we did since we wanted to wait on his circumcision procedure anyway. In looking back, I'm not sure if that was the best decision because I remember coming home still a bit weary on how to read some of Benjamin's cues, and how to care for other things that I'd never had to think about before. I therefore highly recommend staying at the hospital for as long as possible, ask as many questions as you can think of, and enjoy the meals- I know hospital food isn't that great but it is delivered right to your bedside! This time around Bart actually had his window seat/couch thing fold out, and was even offered sheets, pillows, and blankets. One of our nurses also frequently put up a "Resting" sign (didn't know that was an option!) on our door so that all three of us could rest and take in lots of peaceful and relaxing bonding time without so many unnecessary interuptions. On the second day my parents brought Benjamin by to meet his little bro. and we think that helped him have such a good transition because once we got home he's been very gentle, inquisitive, and helpful!

To wrap up this long post, I will say that so far I think having two children is just great- make that really great. The meaning of our son's name {Grant} actually means great, and that's exactly what he is (funny/random little tidbit: NBA star Grant Hill appeared as a guest on the Today show the day after Grant was born!). Now I know that yes, my parents are still here, Benjamin's still in wonderment and awe over it all, Bart's still off from work, and I'm still taking everything in, but I'm loving the feeling of having two cute little people look up at me for love as I open my arms up wide and think...boy, am I lucky.


  1. So happy everything went well for you guys! :) Your new little guy is SUCH a cutie, and I can't wait to hear more about how life with 2 is!

  2. Congrats! Grant is so cute, just like his big brother Benjamin. Will look forward to seeing pictures of your lovely family.

    Aunt Konnie

  3. So happy to hear how everything worked out so well!
