Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why I love blogging

While reading the book YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL by Arnold M. Patent, I came across the following excerpts that I couldn't help but relate to blogging...

"When you connect with your purpose, you invite inspiration into your life. You give yourself permission to express your real self. And you feel the joy that is your essence."

Of course blogging is not my sole purpose in life, but I am so thankful for the outlet of expression that its provided me over this past year. Another thing that I love about blogging is how everybody's got their own "blog style" making there no right or wrong way to do it! 

I think the common ground that every blog shares is a desire to somehow connect with others. This brings me to another excerpt from this book....

"Remember, the Universe is a mutual support system, and each of us has a deep inner need to function in a mutually supportive environment."

On that note, I wanted to also share how thankful I am for all of your comments. I always find them fun to read, but as I told my mom when I first started this, I simply enjoy putting things out there, and if someone else reads it, finds information, or draws inspiration from it great, but whether it's the most popular blog on the block really doesn't matter to me- that's not my goal (hence the anonymity that I still partially keep). 

A question that I remember coming up when I first started was from my brother. He asked how I planned to come up with new topics for posts. I told him I didn't think that would ever be a problem as I'm constantly coming up with things I want to share, explore, and connect with people about, which is still the case to this day....I seriously keep a list by my computer of topics that come to mind, and that list has yet to stop growing!

Blogging also reminds me of a form of books that I used to create. It began when I was younger. My mom had us do this activity where we cut out things from magazines that we liked and pasted them on paper. I remember making mine into a book (we're talking age 9 or 10) and calling it a Look Book. Over the years I kept on with it, along with adding other flat souvenirs (similar to a scrap book, minus the photos or fancy do-dahs). This blog has now replaced my need to make any more of those books (or keep up an endless supply of glue sticks).

So thank you blogspot for making this so so easy and for all of you wonderful bloggers out there~ I really enjoy your interesting and inspirational online company! 

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