Friday, September 25, 2015

Zimbabwe Service Project!

For those of you in who live in Cache Valley, here's details on a service project that I heard about through USU Extension's 4-H Club...just by grabbing things from around your house to fulfill the below list, you'll be of great help to the people of Zimbabwe, Africa! 

I really want to share how good it feels to give back to those in need. Earlier this month our church gave word on a family who is going through some hardship, so my children and I opened our cupboards and closets and filled up 2 bags of things to donate to them, and then we again found more things to fill up 2 boxes to go to Africa. I love learning opportunities like these that really show my children to care about other people in our community and in the world, and how important it is to help out whenever we can!

Once your box is filled, simply drop off at the Cache County Office Building by next Wed. Sept. 30th between the hours of 9-5 pm. They're located on: 179 N. Main St. Suite 111 (first door on your left if you enter in from the back entrance by parking lot). It also looks like you can arrange to have your items picked up by calling the below listed phone number.

    iLead  *  iServe
                4-H Club
        Collect items to be sent to
            Zimbabwe, Africa!
              Cooperating with
          EYES 4 ZIMBABWE
We are collecting:
   *Clothing & Shoes for men, women,
        youth and children;
   *Medical/ Dental supplies & equipment; 
   *Baby Formula, new bottles;
   *Crutches, Walkers, Wheelchairs;
   *Non-perishable food;
   *School supplies & kits
   *Hygiene Kits,
   *Newborn Kits,
   *Sewing Machines,
   *New White Shirts,
   *Soap and other hygiene supplies,
   *Reading and sun glasses.
      Donations can be left at the
       Cache Co. 4-H Office by
            September 30th
 Call Becky Mitchell (435-535-6137)
to arrange pick-up of donations or
   if you have other questions.
  All donations will be taken to SLC    
  on October 8th for sorting, packing,  
       loading & shipping to Africa. 

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