FREE $5 giftcards at Old Navy!
I stopped in Old Navy in Logan last week and at check-out was given a receipt to take a customer service survey for 10% off my next purchase. I had been eyeing these adorable plaid shorts for my little one, so I went back in a couple days later to pick them up. After using my survey code for the 10% off, I was handed a FREE $5 gift card- SCORE! So I went back to the baby sale section and picked up some really cute onesies perfect for the upcoming hot summer months. I tried to find pics of the ones I picked up (all only $5) but all I could find online to show is this blue and white striped one (see below). I'm sad I missed the first intro of their nautical appropriate to find at Old Navy! I love shopping for boys wear!
I have that onesie for Mason. I love Old Navy. All the clothes I bought for Cole are still in great shape for Mason which was a nice plus.