Friday, September 20, 2013

Sweet Surprises

My husband and I recently celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We laugh when we think about how neither one of us ever predicted we'd be living back in our alma mater college town, parents to 3 young children {age 4 and under btw}, and sporting a minivan, but hey- what can we say other than life has its way of giving sweet surprises. While we enjoy our busy and happy family life, it's hard to find time for just the two of us. Like never, actually.

Until....last weekend when my husband did something pretty spectacular.

He scoured the Internet for a new movie that he knew I was interested in seeing (without my knowledge)

Arranged for my family to watch our kids (without my knowledge)
And got us 2 tickets to see a special screening of it in Park City! (you guessed it, without my knowledge)

If any of you have seen the prequels ~ After Sunrise and After Sunset, you know that the movies have a pretty raw style of filming and dialogue. All are written and directed by Richard Linklater, who I find very poignant and thought provoking. Out of the three, Before Midnight was my least favorite but there were some takeaways from it that I appreciate. I think this quote sums it up best.... 

    “Before Midnight” is a wonderful paradox: a movie passionately committed to the ideal of imperfection that is itself very close to perfect." -A.O. Scott

Afterwards we then....(be ready to gasp outloud!)

Went out to dinner.

By ourselves.

While I wasn't super impressed the food at Ciseros, I thoroughly enjoyed the walk we shared linked arm-in-arm (I really don't think we know what to do when our arms are free!) up and down Main Street, the crisp night time air, and the carefree vibe of Park City. Overall it was a fun and unexpected way to spend our anniversary and I love that it all went down without my knowledge. Go Bart! ;)

Happy to be. Happy for our marriage of 6 wonderful years. Happy for sweet surprises.  


  1. I can't believe it has been 6 years! Time flies when you are having fun!

  2. I second the "Go, Bart!" Good doff my cap to you, sir.

  3. Ah, how sweet!! Husbands are the best. What a great date!!

  4. what an awesome anniversary surprise!
