Friday, June 26, 2009

First post

As many of you already know, I cringe at the eerie exposure of MySpace, tried and resigned from the social insincerity of Facebook, laugh hysterically at Conan’s “Twitter Tracker” jokes, and only signed up on LinkedIn because of its strictly professional networking reputation. I also didn’t get my first cell phone until I graduated college, and barely succumbed to texting last year. As many would classify these views/practices as un-cool, I prefer to define them as my personal attempts to cling to the long, lost art of old-fashioned correspondence and traditional human interaction. After all, why have we made ourselves so electronically accessible every second of the day?

I do of course realize that in today’s society we’re a busy bunch- and the Internet and other technological advances have simply provided us with an efficient way to stay in touch with the world. But, I think this quote really captures it best: “As the world becomes more technologically advanced, people become more socially detached.” While the computer is convenient, it in my mind it can never replace the sincerity of hand written words, the real sound of one’s voice, or the joy behind receiving actual MAIL in a MAILBOX.

So, please rest assured that this new online space of mine is simply where I plan to share some of my exciting discoveries and intriguing thoughts, but not in replacement of my handwritten cards, face-to-face contact, phone calls, or our newly established Christmas letter (thanks to all for the rave reviews!). I also do not intend to post any personal photographs, but will continue to send out personal invitations for our pictures to be viewed through a photo sharing website or e-card. 

I've enabled this site to allow for public comments, so please feel free to share your thoughts along with me, take part in my occasional polls, listen to my top music picks, search for a recipe, find a local restaurant recommendation, or challenge yourself in a friendly game of tic-tac-toe. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! It's glad to have you ;-)
